MOKUJINA perfect blend between AI and Nature — sentient wood.The culture is evolving.MOKUJIN.
A spiritually sensitive animated training dummy, and serves as a guardian of good against supernatural evil threats. Constructed from white oak over 2000 years ago for martial artists to practice their abilities upon. As a non-living entity, Mokujin shows little in the way of personality. When it is shown in social situations, Mokujin seems to be a very jovial and kind-hearted being, likely due to its desire to restore peace to the land animating Mokujin with a good soul. Mokujin wonders why people would be surprised at seeing a sentient dummy, much less be able to communicate with one telepathically. Although Mokujin often enjoys seeing the growth and power of humans, it is aghast at humanity's decisions to eat up nature's resources for private profit. Mokujin also speaks with an archaic tone.